Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Nathan getting checked out after his birth
Once Nathan was born he was thoroughly examined and needed meconium cleared from his lungs. We were a bit nervous about all he had been through but knew he would be a fighter and pull through.
Dance, Dance Baby Revolution!
Sally, Bob, and Caralee attempt to do some sort of variation of a water dance in order to induce "Tahoe" to be born. Can't say it worked exactly, but it was a lot of fun to watch.
Cool, cool, cats, in Goorin Hats
Sally and Bob got a look at our new hats and decided they needed to go check out the source - Goorin Bros. in North Beach. It took about 30 minutes and many dollars more, but when all was said and done we sure looked hip!
Sally and Bob are engaged!!!
Sally and Bob arrived on Friday, December 19th, one day after having been engaged so we took them out to dinner to celebrate!
Congratulations Bob and Sally!!
We went for a walk around Union Square after celebrating Sally and Bob's engagement!
Congratulations you guys!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Caralee and I walking along the Bay Trail
Caralee looks great in her new hat and we're out walking around showing off her new look.
Matt on a walk with Caralee
An in-depth look at what it is like to take a walk with me, engrossing and enlightening. You will not believe what you see.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Can it get any crazier????!
Now a first baby, especially a boy, being late is nothing new and nothing to get too excited or upset about. We are in pretty good shape here, I've got this week off of work and Caralee's Mom and Bob arrive on Friday the 19th. They will be a welcome sight and a lot of help.
The fact that Christmas is rapidly approaching does not concern us a bit. However, what has thrown our whole program out of whack was Sunday's discovery of black mold in our bedroom! In doing some cleaning around the house on Sunday, Caralee found that our entire wall that our bed backs up to was covered in black mold. The mold had gone undetected due to the placement of a nightstand, our bed, and our rather large headboard, behind all of which sat the nefarious growth.
Needless to say this threw our train off the tracks. It also explained why I've been sick for a solid month now and is the impetus for what we must do now - go to a hotel. That's right, we're in the midst of packing everything up we may need for the next few days and moving to a nearby hotel until the moldy situation is cleansed properly (meaning tearing out walls and such). Looks like Sally and Bob may be here for the actual birth and we may all end up coming home together so to speak. And yes, we are bringing our cat with us to the hotel. What an adventure for him, being taken on "vacation" to a foreign hotel room, then when finally returning home, finding he's now got company that screams and cries on a routine basis.
I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about our mental state, we're doing as well as can be expected considering the circumstances. Caralee is holding up brilliantly and I'm sure this whole episode will just end up as more spice to a fun story about our child's birth.
We'll keep you all posted on what happens next - hopefully nothing more before the announcement of the birth.
Lots of love,
Caralee and Matt
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Baby's Christmas Outfit
Caralee found a Christmas outfit for our soon to be born baby, Matt isn't so sure about the outfit and wants to go on record.